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Support at Durham

At Durham we want every student to reach their full potential. There is support available for you throughout your journey with us to help you succeed.

Each College and academic department has a dedicated Student Support Team, who can provide proactive and reactive support. They can also direct you to our range of specialist services, such as mental wellbeing support, disability support and student money advice.
About student support at Durham
Student in St Aidan's College fleece with a mug and smiling

Emergency and crisis information

Guidance on what to do in cases of emergency. Crisis Support, including 24 hour support, help lines, and more.

Where can I get support?

We have a range of specialist services and sources of advice and guidance available to you throughout your time in Durham. You can find out more by following the links below.

Disability Support

We offer information about the support available, including how to set up any support you need, as well as advice about funding you might need to apply for.
Staff member assisting a student

Counselling and Mental Health Service

Our team of experienced practitioners are here to help you manage any difficulties that are impacting your successful engagement with your studies and University life.
Female hands busy typing on a laptop

Sexual Misconduct and Violence

We recognise that sexual misconduct and violence such as rape and harassment are matters of international concern. we are focused on making Durham safer.
Violence web version

Chaplaincy and Faith Support

Discover what Durham and the surrounding area has to offer in the form of faith support and different faith communities.
Burning tealight candles in a dark room

Housing Hub

Finding a house can be a busy and stressful time, but the process shouldn’t leave you feeling unduly pressured.
Male student sits on a wooden garden bench swing as he uses his laptop

Nursery Facilities

Our University Nursery in Durham caters for children from 6 weeks to school age. It is open from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday throughout the year.
A child with researcher examining a picture, taking part in development research practical

Care Leavers

Find out more about our support for those leaving care to come to Durham and our guidance on informing parents about a student's health and wellbeing.
Teaching and Learning Centre exterior

Health and Wellbeing Strategy (PDF)

We have developed our first Health and Wellbeing Strategy, to create a more responsible, attractive and productive place to work and study.
Two students looking at a phone in Durham City on a bridge

Transitioning to Higher Education

Coming to university to study can feel overwhelming. We want to help provide the most relevant information and support to make this transition easier for you.
Students walking outside St Mary's College in autumn

First Generation Scholars Network

We celebrate and promote the achievements of people from families, schools or communities where going to university is not the norm.
Graduands in robes entering Durham Cathedral



Financial support

  • Cost of Living Hub

    If you’re struggling financially, there is help available. It’s not always easy to talk about money or ask for help, but there are various ways to get the support you need.

    Law school undergraduates sit at the boardoom table in the Anne Galbraith Boardroom as they study and chat
  • Student Money Advice

    Keeping your finances under control is vital to enjoying your time at University. Find out how to manage your money as a student, and who to turn to if things go wrong.

    Students dressed in casual clothes sit / stand in front of the Cathedral which is visible in the background - it is a sunny day and they all look happy

Cost of Living Hub

If you’re struggling financially, there is help available. It’s not always easy to talk about money or ask for help, but there are various ways to get the support you need.

Law school undergraduates sit at the boardoom table in the Anne Galbraith Boardroom as they study and chat

Student Money Advice

Keeping your finances under control is vital to enjoying your time at University. Find out how to manage your money as a student, and who to turn to if things go wrong.

Students dressed in casual clothes sit / stand in front of the Cathedral which is visible in the background - it is a sunny day and they all look happy

Medical support

  • Vaccinations

    We encourage students to ensure that their vaccinations are up to date before they arrive in Durham.

    Close Up View Of Band Aids On Blue Surface
  • Medical Registration

    We take the health and wellbeing of our students very seriously. We encourage students to register with a local medical practice so that they can access doctors and healthcare in Durham when they need it.

    Doctor in a medical mask showing a chart to a patient, also in a medical mask


We encourage students to ensure that their vaccinations are up to date before they arrive in Durham.

Close Up View Of Band Aids On Blue Surface

Medical Registration

We take the health and wellbeing of our students very seriously. We encourage students to register with a local medical practice so that they can access doctors and healthcare in Durham when they need it.

Doctor in a medical mask showing a chart to a patient, also in a medical mask
Someone typing on a laptop

Report + Support

We take reports of bullying and harassment, hate incidents, sexual misconduct, domestic abuse and spiking seriously. The Report + Support online tool is for non-emergency reports and can be used to report to access support or anonymously.

Learn more about Report + Support

Fees and funding


Fees and funding information for undergraduate students.

Group of females and one male student sitting at a table in front of a bar


Fees and funding information for postgraduate students.

Groups of postgraduate students sit in a modern, airy study space
white pattern

Suicide - a Strategy to Make 含羞草研究所 a Safer Place

Our Suicide Safer Strategy covers suicide prevention, intervention and postvention, and is designed to make 含羞草研究所 as safe as we can.

Find out more

Community relations

We’re proud to be part of Durham and of the positive contribution we make to Durham City, Durham County and the wider North-East region.

Contact Us

Find out more about student support and wellbeing at Durham.

Student Support and Wellbeing

The Palatine Centre


Stockton Road



Tel: +44 (0)191 334 2000